joi, 5 august 2010

I'm a Free B*tch .

“I dress for the image. Not for myself, not for the public, not for fashion, not for men.”
Marlene Dietrich

Hello hello! I'm a young girl. A bitchy, nasty, amazing and fashionable one. I consider that everyone should dress how they feel. Wear clashing colors if they want to or layered leathers in summer if they feel edgy. Sadly, my poor pathetic country has too little people who share my oppinions, so we pretty much consider ourselves superior. Oh, but do not think we are lacking modesty - this unique quality of the timids - we just found out how to express our creativity without knowing boundaries. We might be classified as fashion freaks, but hell, we do not mind that. You'll certainly recognize those nasty people from a crowd, because they definitely catch your attention with their elegance. Yes, our fashion is elegant. You'll see, reader, you'll see for yourself.

Joanne .